GMD meets Nelson Mota |
We speak with Nelson Mota (TU Delft) about what prompted his initial interest in architecture, the connection between diversity and home development, his work at TU Delft, and his involvement in the DHZW thesis hub initiative. |
Register now: Masterclass with Robert Putnam |
The LDE GMD Centre is pleased to welcome and host Robert Putnam at Campus EUR, Woudestein on the 22nd of April 2022. The interactive session will take place between 13:00 - 15:00.
2022 LDE GMD Conference: Call for Panels |
LDE GMD organizes its first physical conference on Monday, the 16th of May in The Hague. We welcome panel submissions. Kindly submit a 200-word abstract with a tentative title info@gmdcentre.nl. Please register for the conference below.
NWA grant awarded for Dilemmas of Diversity research project |
The LDE GMD has been awarded an NWA grant. In this interview with project lead Prof. dr. Marlou Schrover, we discuss the content of the NWA grant application Dilemmas of Diversity, the ambitions of the project, the interdisciplinary focus and what we might expect in the nearby future. |
Education LDE Master Governance of Migration and Diversity |
LDE GMD DHZW Kick-Off Session |
Master's students from Leiden University, TU Delft, and Erasmus University Rotterdam were able to present their research and exchange advice with practitioners in The Hague Southwest.
Manifesto for a successful neighbourhood approach |
Dr. Reinout Kleinhans (LDE GMD & TU Delft) is one of the lead authors of this Manifest for a Successful Neighbourhood Approach. Find an attachment of the manifesto in the article below.
Students, save the date: LDE GMD Potluck |
The Annual LDE GMD Student Potluck is here! After months of postponement, the Student Board is pleased to welcome GMD students and staff to the event. Attendees are encouraged to bring in yummy vegan/veggie treats from their community/countries. Event is open to GMD students and staff. |
Interested in joining us? |
Do you want to join the LDE GMD Centre? Kindly apply here to become an LDE Research Fellow or LDE Research Associate. |
Kind regards, The LDE Centre GMD team prof.dr. Marlou Schrover (UL) dr. Kimberly Seibel (Research Officer TUD) dr. Reinout Kleinhans (TUD) dr. Simona Vezzoli (Research Officer UL) prof.dr. Jorrit Rijpma (UL) Vanessa Ntinu MSc (Jr. Executive Manager EUR) dr. Nanneke Winters (ISS/EUR) prof.dr. Peter Scholten (Scientific Director EUR) prof.dr. Olaf van Vliet (UL) dr. Mark van Ostaijen (Managing Director EUR) prof.dr. Susanne Janssen (EUR) dr. Maria Schiller (GMD Master Coordinator EUR) dr. Ingrid Mulder (TUD) Mandy Koenraads (Thesis Project Coordinator UL) |
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